Appointment of a Member of the Management Board of PKP CARGO S.A. for Financial Affairs

  • 14. 2. 2025

The Management Board of PKP CARGO S.A. in restructuring, informs that as a result of the conducted qualification procedure, the Supervisory Board of the Company has adopted a Resolution on the appointment of Mr Michał Łotoszyński to the position of Member of the Management Board for Financial Affairs with effect from 17 February 2025 for the period of the joint 9th term.

Michał Łotoszyński is a graduate of the Faculty of Management and Marketing at the University of Łódź.

He completed and passed the MBA (Master of Business Administration) exam at the Gdańsk Foundation for Management Development and at the Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University. He holds PRINCE II, Project Management and CRM, Management 2004 certificates – Harvard Business School Publishing, Canadian International Management Institute and completed a course for candidates for members of supervisory boards and management boards of State Treasury companies.
He has 25 years of experience in finance and management, including in particular financial management, new product development, corporate strategy development, IT project implementation, and corporate restructuring, turnarounds and acquisitions.

Professionally, he was associated with the banking sector, among others. He worked at PKO Bank Polski, Towarzystwo Emerytalne PKO S.A. and BOŚ Investment Mgt. At Towarzystwo Emerytalne, he co-created an IT system for asset valuation according to the Embedded Value model and amortisation of acquisition costs over time.

He managed a car and van rental company, 99RENT Sp. z o.o., where, in addition to development, he built a system for managing short- and medium-term rentals. Then, after taking over the Enterprise/National/Alamo franchise, he rebuilt the company’s position on the Polish market.
He served as a Member of the Management Board for Finance at PZU Tower (property management of the PZU Group), Arcus S.A. and Arcus Systemy Informatyczne. While working for Ciech S.A., he was responsible for restructuring, building the group’s strategy, the IPO project and acquisitions of companies in the EU chemical industry.

He served on the supervisory boards of the following companies: Zakład Urządzeń Przemysłowych Nysa S.A., Pedmo Tychy S.A., Polcomerce KFT, Biowet Drawel S.A., Przedsiębiorstwo Budownictwa Ogólnego S.A. in Wrocław, Radpol S.A. Człuchów and Arcus S.A.